My Network
by Connor Mezynski
1. Friends
1.1. My friend Mason has a job at a pizza place and could help me get a job there.
2. Co-Workers
2.1. My co-workers come from all sorts of backgrounds and places and have vast networks of their own, one of them could point me in the direction of a job shadow or someone who is hiring (even though I have a job).
3. School Counselor
3.1. I find psychology interesting and I think that one of the school counselors could point me in the right direction for career options in this field.
4. Aunt/Uncle
4.1. My Aunt and Uncle: My Aunt Crystal works at BC Hydro and could likely get me a job shadow. My Uncle Doug works at the Sparkling Hills Resort and could get a good work in for me for possible employment.
5. Siblings
5.1. My siblings: They all go to different schools and have many friends who could have parents who are hiring or providing job shadow opportunities.
6. Teacher
6.1. My teachers are all experienced in their own fields. One of them could give me advice in order to pursue that field of study as a career.
7. Dentist
7.1. My dentist is very experienced in his field and likely give tips to get into the business or even provide a job shadow.
8. Physiotherapist
8.1. My mother's physiotherapist is really open to job shadows and is more than willing to give tips about how to enter her field.
9. Local Army Recruiter
9.1. The local army recruiter could introduce me to all the different jobs in the army and set me up for life in the reserves or active service.
10. Grandparents
10.1. My grandparents have all been working in and around the community for years and have massive networks, they could easily find me some opportunity for a job or job related experience.
11. Parents
11.1. My Mom and Dad: My mom works in school district 22 and knows many teachers and principals, she could easily put in a word for me so I could get some opportunities for a possible career as a teacher. My dad works for a disposal company that takes him all around town, so he knows lots of people that could possibly be hiring.
12. Neighbours
12.1. My neighbours are cool people who have many connections in the community who would be more than willing to point me in the right direction of a job shadow or a volunteer experience.
13. Coach
13.1. My coach: Mr. Begg is well connected in the community and could find me a job or job shadow very easily.
14. Doctor
14.1. My doctor is very passionate about medicine and is more than happy to give tips about how becoming a doctor works.
15. Landlady
15.1. The Landlady: My landlady is experienced in real estate, she could possibly give me a job shadow.