Expressions teachers and students use in the classroom to communicate in English.

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Expressions teachers and students use in the classroom to communicate in English. by Mind Map: Expressions teachers and students use in the classroom to communicate in English.

1. Bless you!

2. Can I got t the bathroom / toilet?

3. Can you lend me your pencil/ pen/ eraser/ sharpener...?

4. How do you say in English _______?

5. Is this right? / Is this o.k?

6. Ready?

6.1. Could you repeat please? / Say it again please!

7. Could you Repeat that, please? - I'm sorry, I don't understand.

8. How do you write _______in english?

9. Can you write it on the board please?

10. Stand at the front of the classroom.

11. Take out your book.

12. Underline the title

13. May I come in please?

14. Could you speak slowly, please?

15. Quickly/ Hurry up

16. Come here please.

17. Can you tell me any Example?

18. Time's up! / Time's over!

19. What's tomorrow's activity?

20. May I answer this phone call? , It's an emergency!

21. Take care! / You Too! / Same to you!

22. Have a good night / Rest of Day /afternoon / Weekend.

23. Can I Borrow a pen/ eraser/ Sharpener...?

24. What does _______mean? / What's the meaning of______?

25. Tell me the difference between A and B...

26. Just a moment / Hold on a moment / Wait a moment.

27. Did you already finish?-No yet, I haven't finished.

28. Can you Spell it, please?

29. Can you speak louder?

30. Raise you hand if you know the answer.

31. Go back to your seat

32. How do you pronounce _______?

33. What else? / Anything else?

34. Tidy the classroom please?

35. Listen please/ Quiet please/ Stop talking/ No talking

36. Hand in your Homework tomorrow

37. see you tomorrow

38. Can you write today's date on the board, please?

39. I don't have any question/ It's clear for me.

40. May I go outside?