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My Network por Mind Map: My Network

1. My Mom Angela- My mom is self employed. I would be able to get a job through her. She can also teach me important skills like time management.

2. My Uncle Mike- He is a police officer. I'm interested in this career path so he could teach me some of the skills that are required to be work in this field and tell me some of his experiences and things to know if I do follow this career path.

3. My Friend Elena- She works at superstore and she has been employed there for a few months. I would like to work there as well so she could tell me what they are looking for there and possibly help me get a job there.

4. Teacher Assistant- I am interested in this job because I like to work with kids. I would like to talk to someone in this area because they could help me pursue this career path.

5. My Auntie Cathy- She works as a CEA in an elementary school. I am interested in this job and she would be able to show me what a day in that job would look like and tell me the requirements for that job would be.

6. My Neighbour Barb- She is a nurse and she would be able to help me know what the requirements for that career would be. She could also teach me some of the skills I would need and also just educate me about this career.

7. Criminologist- I am extremely interested in forensic sciences and it would be cool if I knew someone that worked in this field so I could find out what courses are necessary for this career path.

8. My Cousin Tyler- He has his own company and he is very successful. He could teach me what it's like to run his own business and teach me skills that I may need for a workplace environment. He would be able to offer me a job at his company and he could also help me find other job oppportunities.

9. My Coach Jason- He could refer me to other coaches and teams that I may be interested in to play in a higher league. He could also help me get a job by using him as a reference because he knows me very well and he would have lots of great things to say about me.

10. My Neighbour Katrina- She would be a great person for a job reference since she has known me for so long. She would teach me how to make more connections with people since she is involved with lots of people in the community. She has quite a lot of connections with people so I would be able to use these connections to find a job easily. Also she can teach me ways to interact with people more.

11. My Spanish Teacher Mrs. Keyworth- She could help me with improving my Spanish skills and teach me some skills since I am very interested in this language and I could possibly pursue a career involving Spanish.

12. Psychologist-I am interested in psychology. I would like to meet someone in this field because they would be able to help me to achieve a career in this area one day. They can help me figure out what I might need to become a pyschologist one day.

13. My Friend Luke- He works at Tim Hortons and he has worked there for a while so he could teach me about the workplace. He could help me find a job in the food industry.

14. Elementary School Teacher- I am very interested in working with kids. I might want to pursue a job in teaching one day. A teacher could help me understand what it is like to work in this area and they could teach me skills such as time management and organization.

15. Manager of Superstore- I would like to meet the manager of Superstore and possibly get an interview. I would like to work there so the manager could potentially give me a job there.