Why Is Hunger A Big Issue?

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Why Is Hunger A Big Issue? by Mind Map: Why Is Hunger A Big Issue?

1. How can we help?

1.1. fund organisations that help

1.2. speak up

1.3. help the world food programme

2. How are people affected by hunger?

2.1. they are shorter

2.2. make them weaker

2.3. brains cant develop properly

2.4. end up living in shanty towns in search for food

2.5. weak immune system

2.6. less chance of shcool

2.7. Death

2.8. Cant grow

2.9. cant focus when hungry

2.10. bad things are put into the brain

2.11. eyesight problems

2.12. cant focus

2.13. they suffer

2.14. brain damage during first 2 yrs

3. Where does hunger affect people?

3.1. the whole world

3.2. most in Asia

3.3. photo

4. What are the statistics?

4.1. 553 milloin people starving

4.2. every 3.6 seconds, a child dies from starvation

4.3. people make more food for everyone on the planet but dont share it equally

4.4. 60% of hungry people is in Asia

4.5. more than 100 mil. children under 5 are underweight

4.6. 70% of hungry CHILDREN (not people (look up)) live in Asia

4.7. Asia has most hungry peeps

5. Why does hunger exist?

5.1. Poverty

5.2. too dry for crops

5.3. war

5.4. too much demanding for food

5.5. drought

5.6. poor people cant afford food

5.7. eating disorder

5.8. not enough vitamin, protein, etc.

5.9. Food wastage

6. Who helps diminish hunger as a big issue? How?

6.1. world food programme:

6.2. UN

6.3. Unicef

7. developing countries in Asia list (reference only) I classify the countries as follows: 1. Advanced / Developed Economy (A) 2. Graduating to Developed Economy (G) 3. Developing Economy (D) 4. Semi-Developing Economy (S) 5. Undeveloped Economy (E) CENTRAL ASIA Kazakhstan - G Uzbekistan - D Turkmenistan - D Kyrgyzstan - S Tajikistan - S SOUTH ASIA India - D Maldives - D Sri Lanka - D Bhutan - D Nepal - U Bangladesh - U Afghanistan - U Pakistan - U EAST ASIA Japan - A South Korea - A Hong Kong - A Taiwan - A Macau - G China - D Mongolia - S North Korea - U

8. cites

8.1. Developed, Developing and Undeveloped Countries in Asia Pacific & Middle East (AP&ME). - SkyscraperCity

8.2. What are the causes of hunger in the world?

8.3. Asia Hunger Facts, Facts About Hunger in Asia - World Hunger News

8.4. Information - World Hunger

8.5. Starvation - Wikipedia

8.6. Affect of Hunger: The Brain - %%30 Hour Famine

8.7. The Global Goals

8.8. World Hunger Facts: Causes, Effects and Solutions


8.10. What Charities Fight World Hunger?