Developing A Standards Based Curriculum

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Developing A Standards Based Curriculum by Mind Map: Developing A Standards Based Curriculum

1. Module 3: Developing Rubrics

1.1. Learning Goal: Participants will create a valid standards based rubric.

1.2. Finding appropriate standards

1.3. Providing options for Exceeding the Standard

1.4. Developing a scoring sheet

1.5. General Assessments:

1.5.1. Discussion board

1.5.2. Rubric

1.5.3. Creation of rubric for unit

1.6. General Assignments

1.6.1. Discussion board posts

1.6.2. Readings

1.6.3. Webquests

2. Module 1: The Process

2.1. Learning Goal: Participants will understand the conversion process necessary to develop a standards based curriculum.

2.1.1. New node

2.2. Define what you want to assess

2.3. Developing Units

2.4. Creating valid assessments

2.5. Determine the number of weeks necessary to teach the units

2.6. Put the units in a cohesive order

2.7. Backward Design

2.8. General Assessments:

2.8.1. SurveyMonkey survey

2.8.2. Discussion board

2.8.3. Rubric

2.9. General Assignments

2.9.1. Icebreaker

2.9.2. Discussion board posts

2.9.3. Complete a SurveyMonkey about assessment

2.9.4. Readings

2.9.5. Webquests Links to State and National Standards

3. Module 4: Assessment Development

3.1. Learning Goal: Participants will evaluate multiple assessment tools.

3.2. What is "valid" assessment?

3.3. Using a Reflection Sheet

3.4. Compile your data

3.5. Tools for assessment

3.5.1. Lesson plan block grading

3.5.2. Electronic gradebooks

3.5.3. Recording devices

3.5.4. Web 2.0 tools Survey Monkey Zoomerang

3.5.5. Cameras and video

3.6. General Assessments:

3.6.1. Discussion board posts

3.6.2. Use of Wiki

3.7. General Assignments

3.7.1. Discussion board posts

3.7.2. Readings

3.7.3. Web quests

4. Module 5: Completing the Curriculum

4.1. Learning Goal: Participants will create a standards based unit.

4.2. Developing Units

4.2.1. Summative assessments

4.2.2. Unit Lists

4.2.3. Informing instruction

4.3. Putting it all together

4.4. General Assessments:

4.4.1. Discussion board

4.4.2. Rubric

4.4.3. Creation of standards based unit

4.5. General Assignments

4.5.1. Discussion board posts

4.5.2. Readings

4.5.3. Webquests

5. Module 2: Unit Development

5.1. Learning Goal: Participants will create a unit outline based on backward design.

5.2. What are you currently teaching?

5.3. What should students know at the end of the unit?

5.4. Steps for learning

5.5. "Teach to the test"

5.6. General Assessments:

5.6.1. Discussion board posts

5.6.2. Completion of unit outline

5.7. General Assignments

5.7.1. Discussion board posts

5.7.2. Readings Backward Design "Teaching to the Test"

5.7.3. Web quests