Technology Forecast
by Torbjörn Johansson
1. 2029
1.1. Heavy automation of supermarkets and retail environments
2. 2009
2.1. 3D scanning enters the consumer market
3. 2036
3.1. Bionic eyes surpassing human vision
4. 2035
4.1. Self-driving vehicles are widespread
5. 2020
5.1. The 5G standard is released
6. 2025
6.1. Electronic devices can be charged using Wi-Fi
7. 2015
7.1. Virtual Reality makes a comeback
8. 2004
8.1. The emergence of web 2.0
9. 2007
9.1. Apple debuts the Iphone
10. 2010
10.1. Augmented Reality enters the mainstream
11. 2011
11.1. Consumer level robotics are booming
12. 2017
12.1. Self driving cars on the high street
13. 2045
13.1. Humans are becoming intimately merged with machines
14. 2017
14.1. Blockchain disrups more than banks