Animal Kingdom
by Natalya Green
1. Amphibians
1.1. Anura: those that lack tails
1.1.1. Examples: Frogs and Toads
1.2. Caudata: those that have tails
1.2.1. Examples: Newts and Salamandors
1.3. Gymnophonia: those that are worm-like
1.3.1. Example: Caecilians
2. Birds
2.1. Flightless: those that cannot fly
2.1.1. Examples: Penguins and Ostritches
2.2. Night: those that are nocturnal
2.2.1. Examples: Owls and Oilbirds
2.3. Birds of Prey: those that are known for fierce hunting
2.3.1. Examples: Eagles and Hawks
2.4. Song: those that "sing"
2.4.1. Examples: Hummingbirds and Sparrows
2.5. Water: those that primarily live on water
2.5.1. Examples: Ducks and Swans
2.6. Game: those that are known for being hunted for their meat
2.6.1. Examples: Turkeys and Quail
2.7. Tropical: those that live in the Rainforest
2.7.1. Examples: Cockatoos and Parrots
3. Reptiles
3.1. Crocodilia: families of alligators and ghalia
3.1.1. Examples: Crocodiles and Alligators
3.2. Squamata: families of lizards and snakes
3.2.1. Examples: Geckos and Constrictors
3.3. Testudines: families of turtles
3.3.1. Examples: Snapping Turtle and Gopher Tortoius
4. Mammals
4.1. Monotremes: give birth through eggs
4.1.1. Examples: Echidna and Platypus
4.2. Marsupials: give birth in a pouch
4.2.1. Examples: Kangaroo and Oppossum
4.3. Placental: give birth through placenta
4.3.1. Examples: Whales and Elephants
5. Fish
5.1. Jawless: fish that does not have jaws
5.1.1. Examples: Hagfish and Lamprey
5.2. Cartilaginous: fish that have cartilage
5.2.1. Examples: Shark and Stingray
5.3. Bony: fish that have a skeleton
5.3.1. Examples: Salmon and Sea Horse