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BI Market により Mind Map: BI Market

1. Market Consalidation

1.1. Mega Vendors

1.1.1. Cognos: IBM

1.1.2. Business Object: SAP

1.1.3. New node

1.2. 2003: Business Objects bought Crystal

2. Technological Shift

2.1. Web 2.0

2.2. More Expecations

2.2.1. Faster Deployment

2.2.2. Easy of use

2.2.3. Every-man analyst within a business

3. New requirements across six important Categories

3.1. Open, web-based Architecture

3.2. Agile Deplpoyment

3.3. Flexible Data Access

3.4. Timely Decision Focus

3.5. Embeddable, Extensible and Customizable

3.6. Affordable Scalability

4. 3 Generation BI

4.1. 1st Generation

4.1.1. General-purpose, off-the-shelf tools for reporting, ad hoc query and analysis of structured data using SQL and standards database connectors.

4.2. 2nd Geenration

4.2.1. Server-base and the rise of data warehouses

4.3. 3rd Generation

5. Higher Interest in "Competing in Analytic"