Critical Review of the pros and cons of social networking sites PREPARED BY POOJA & YI JIA

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Critical Review of the pros and cons of social networking sites PREPARED BY POOJA & YI JIA by Mind Map: Critical Review of the pros and cons of social networking sites PREPARED BY POOJA & YI JIA

1. Body paragraph 3

1.1. We strongly disagree that social networking sites can get a person out of jail.

1.2. Reasons

1.2.1. Social networking sites did not affect the authorities' decision to arrest someone for their crimes.

1.2.2. Nationality sometimes can help people to get out of jail. For example in James Karl Buck's case, he was released from jail due to his nationality as an American.

1.2.3. His release from prison was not directly caused by social network. He only used social network to help get word to the US government. The real reason he was released was because he was an American citizen. As proof, imagine if he did not join the protest but instead dealt drugs. Even if he used social network to get word to the US government, he still wouldn't be able to get out of jail because of his offence.

1.3. Evidence

1.3.1. Based on the CNN News written by Mallory Simon (2008), James Karl Buck was released after he posted a one-word blog on Twitter indicating that he was arrested by the Egyptian police in a protest. However, his translator Mohammad Maree was transferred to another police station.

2. Conclusion

2.1. The points that we agree & disagree

2.1.1. AGREE Social networking sites provide a way for people to make connections with one another. Social networking sites make identity theft easier.

2.1.2. DISAGREE Social networking sites can get a people out of jail.

2.2. Social networking sites provide more advantages than disadvantages if we use it wisely. We should always be aware of what we share on social networking sites. As the saying goes, social tools are not just about giving people a voice, but giving them a way to collaborate, contribute and connect.

3. Body paragraph 2

3.1. We strongly agree that social networking sites make identity theft easier.

3.2. Reasons

3.2.1. When creating an account on any social networking site, we are required to share some of our personal credentials.

3.2.2. We may discover that there is someone masquerading under your identity, destroying your credit rating or attempting to access your e-mail or financial information.

3.3. Evidences

3.3.1. The 2017 Identity Fraud Study, released by Javelin Strategy & research, found that $16 billion was stolen from 15.4 million U.S. consumers in 2016, compared with $15.3 billion and 13.1 million victims a year earlier. In the past six years identity thieves have stolen over $107 billion.

3.3.2. In 2013, 18 year-old Ira Trey Quesenberry III, a student of the Sullivan Country School District in Sullivan County, Tennessee, created a fake Twitter account using the name and likeness of the district superintendent, Dr. Yennie. After Quesenberry sent out a series of inappropriate tweets using the account, the real Dr. Yennie contacted the police, who arrested the student for identity theft.

4. Introductory paragraph

4.1. The article titled ' What are the pros and cons of social networking sites?' written by J. Strickland reports on social networking sites.

4.2. PROS

4.2.1. Social networking is a way for people to make connections with one another.

4.2.2. Social networking sites enables people to help others with their careers professionally.

4.2.3. Social networking sites make it easier to organise events and invite friends.

4.2.4. Social networking sites are used to promote artiste's or actor's work.

4.2.5. Social networking sites act as application platforms.

4.2.6. Social networking may even get a person out of jail.

4.3. CONS

4.3.1. Social networking sites make identity theft easier.

4.3.2. Scammers use social networking sites to trick people into downloading malicious software.

4.3.3. Social networking can be both overwhelming and addictive.

5. Body paragraph 1

5.1. We agree that social networking sites provide a way for people to make connections with one another.

5.2. Reasons

5.2.1. We are able to connect to our loved ones no matter how far they are from us.

5.2.2. We are able to stay up to date with what our friends and family are doing in their life.

5.2.3. We can get back with our old friends and acquaintances and renew our long-forgotten friendships.

5.3. Evidence

5.3.1. According to ABC News written by Alvarez,A. (2018), through Facebook, two Bosnian sisters, 88-year-old Tanija Delic and 82-year-old Hedija Talic, were able to get back to each other since they were separated in 1941 at the start of World War II. Taclic's son found his cousin through Facebook, and the two sisters-- having discovered that they now lived about 120 miles apart from one another-- were finally united.

6. References

6.1. 'Facts + Statistics : Identity theft and cybercrime' 2018. Retrieved April 12, 2018 from 404 - Page not found

6.2. Article

6.2.1. Alex Alvarez, 2013 '7 Social Media Connections (IRL)' 7 Social Media Connections (IRL)' Retrieved April 12, 2018

6.2.2. Jessica Velasco, 2016 ' 4 Cases Studies in Fraut : Social media and Identity Theft' Retrieved April 12, 2018 from 4 Case Studies in Fraud: Social Media and Identity Theft | Socialnomics

6.2.3. Mallory Simon 2008 "Student ' Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail" Retrieved April 12, 2018 from Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail -