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Islamic Studies in English создатель Mind Map: Islamic Studies in English

1. Teacher

1.1. Ms. Hala Abed

2. How many chapters did we learn?

2.1. 14

3. Projects

3.1. Hadith

3.2. Listen to a tape

3.2.1. Write a report

3.3. Family and domestic life in Islam

3.3.1. Powerpoint Presentation

3.3.2. Paired with Lana and TJ

4. Qura'ans we learnt

4.1. From Surat-ul Hashr

4.2. Surah-al-A'ala

4.3. From Surah-Luqman: Luqman's advice to his son

5. Final Test

5.1. Fatimah Az-Zahra

5.2. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

5.3. Sawm- A Pillar of Islam

6. Book

6.1. Studies in Islam

7. Tests

7.1. Short quizzes

7.1.1. Easy

8. Lessons we learnt

8.1. The Belief in Allah

8.2. Belief in Prophethood (Risalah)

8.3. Salat-ul-Khusuf

8.4. Salatul-Istisqa: Prayer for rain

8.5. The Tahajjud Prayer (Qiyam-al-Layl)

8.6. Drink and Drugs: Forbidden in Islam

8.7. From Surah-Luqman: Luqman's advice to his son

8.8. The Prophet Muhammad Part I

8.9. Fatimah Az-Zahra

8.10. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

8.11. Sawm- A Pillar of Islam

8.12. The I'tikaf