Magazine Double Page Spread
by 11CEllender 11CEllender
1. Large image in the centre of the page of Holly who is what the documentary focuses on, this image is the first image people will see and it immediately draws attention to the magazine and people will then become interested in the page and will begin to read the article
2. Channel 4 logo which is in a clear place and it is clear to see it is a large size so people clearly know what channel my documentary is going to be aired on
3. Magazine logo is displayed in a clear place, this allows people to know the magazine brand
4. There are text boxes next to images which name the persona s well as have their age
5. Pull quotes which lots of magazines include and this draws attention to the magazine page, it is also something which someone has said so therefore it will make the reader want to read on
6. I have displayed the date, time and what channel the documentary will be on this is important information s people need to know where to find the documentary.
7. Recognisable font for Channel 4, the title is written in the channel 4 font type so people will know this is a channel 4 documentary
8. White background so it is clear and easy to read, the white makes the text easy to read as well as making the images clearer and draw attention better
9. The title is big and bold as well as being clear and easy to read, it takes up a lot of space but this is important because people need to know and remember the name f the documentary
10. Page numbers in the bottoms corners to indicate the pages this is what all magazines have and it is important to have so that people can search for pages easier and quicker
11. Drop capital at the start similar to lots of magazines as it signifies where the text starts this is another feature magazines have so it was important I included it in mine
12. I also included a secondary article on the side of the left hand page which included and image of Hannah who also features in the documentary and it includes a small interview with her this allows the audience to get to know the people involved in the documentary before they have even seen it