Describing Learners

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Describing Learners por Mind Map: Describing Learners

1. Formation of learning

2. feature of good learning

3. Influence between teacher- student

4. Teaching practice in some countries

5. student development

6. Analityc- type learnes

7. Learner differences

7.1. 1. Aptitude

7.1.1. Intelectual Ability

7.1.2. Behavior

7.2. 2. Good learner characteristics

7.2.1. Tolerance

7.2.2. Culture

7.2.3. High aspiration

7.2.4. Attitude

7.3. 3. Learner styles

7.3.1. Convergers Own abilities

7.3.2. Comformists Non-comunicative classrooms

7.3.3. Concrete learners Organisation and content is less complex Languages as a system

7.3.4. Communicative learners Social interaction

7.4. 4. Language levels

7.4.1. The plateau effect The progress is more subtle

7.4.2. Methodology

7.4.3. Language Use the language with materials

7.4.4. Topics No match topics to the level

7.5. 5. Individual Variations

7.5.1. Neuro- linguistic programming system to experience.

7.5.2. MI theory Learning is to be effective

8. People of diferents ages have diferent

8.1. 1. Needs

8.2. 2. Cognitive skills

8.3. 3. Competences

8.4. 4. How and what to teach?

8.4.1. Age Student is an individual with diferent experinces Describing learners

8.4.2. Children We will wnat the classroom be bringht and colourful We might expert them to be working in grops in the difrent parts of the classroom Children lern lenguages faster

8.4.3. Adolecent The mothodologist Penny Ur suggests Idenfity has to be forged among clasmete and Friends

8.4.4. Adult learners They may have experienced failure or criticim at school Have expectations about the leming process Have a whale range of life experences to draw on They can be critical of teaching methods

9. The motivation is the most Important

10. the studentes will be interested in learning

11. With enough motivation

12. To attract the attention of student

13. Visual materials should be use

14. The classroom must be well arranged

15. The principal Motivation in classroom is the teacher

16. they have the kest attitude and enthusiasm for English

17. Thanks to this the students will have a better future

18. It´s essential

19. The tastes of people to ecourage then in their process

20. to define the motivation is necesary

21. This means that you were

22. when you try to do momething

23. thanks to motivation mony student learn different thingd

24. for example when they learn English

25. The actitude of students peers is also crucial

26. The motivation