Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
4th Grade Music por Mind Map: 4th Grade Music

1. Learning Objectives

1.1. Improve Musical Skills

1.1.1. writing

1.1.2. reading

1.1.3. performing

1.2. Identify & Correctly Use Musical Terms/Symbols/Notes

1.2.1. sixteenth notes through whole notes

1.2.2. sixteenth rests through whole rests

1.2.3. treble clef and lines/spaces of staff

1.2.4. basic articulation staccato accent slur tie

1.2.5. dynamics

1.2.6. tempos

1.3. Perform a varied repertoire of music

1.4. Know and identify instruments of the orchestra

1.4.1. also put into families

1.5. Experience different types of music

1.6. create own music to showcase knowledge

2. National Music Standards

2.1. 1- Sing varied music alone and with others

2.2. 2-Play Instruments alone and with others

2.3. 3- Improvise/Variations

2.4. 4 - Compose & Arrange

2.5. 5 - Read & Notate

2.6. 6 - Listen to, Analyze, Describe

2.7. 7 - Evaluate Music/Performance

2.8. 8 - Understand relation to other disciplines

2.9. 9 - Understand relation to history & culture

3. Overall Goal

3.1. Students will continue to develop and improve upon their musical skills in various ways.

4. Activities

4.1. Recorder Unit

4.2. Program/Concert

4.3. Instruments of Orchestra

4.4. Rhythm Rap

4.5. Composition Project

5. E-Portfolio Artifacts

5.1. Reflections

5.1.1. written?

5.1.2. audio?

5.1.3. on each recording or one overall at end?

5.2. Recordings

5.2.1. Recorder Song

5.2.2. Clip from Program Music

5.2.3. Composition Project music itself? audio or video?