1. sponsorships
1.1. organizations provide money or in-kind resources to an event or activity in exchange for a direct association with that event or activity
1.1.1. sponsorship spending
1.1.2. growth of sponsorship
1.1.3. how sponsorship differs from advertising
1.1.4. assessing sponsorship results
2. the value of marketing comunications
2.1. social importance
2.2. business importance
2.3. economic importance
3. budgeting for promotional stategy
3.1. percantage of sales method
3.2. fixed sum per unit method
3.3. meeting competition method
3.4. task objective method
4. direct marketing
4.1. - A marketing professional is directly reaching a market base (customers and potential customers) on a personal level (such as a phone call or via a private email message) basis, or on a mass-media basis (in the form of infomercials, magazine ads).
4.1.1. - aggressive tactics that attempt to reach new customers, usually by means of unsolicited direct communications) is often used to reach out to existing, or past, customers.
4.2. types
4.2.1. Telemarketing involves calling people at home or work to ask for donations, get their opinion and support for your cause or political campaign, or solely for sales purposes.
4.2.2. Email Direct Marketing Email addresses can be harvested from websites, social media outlets, industry forums, making purchases online or purchased. Some companies require you to receive announcements in order to use their websites
4.2.3. Direct Mail Marketing Advertising material sent directly to your home or business though is more predominately used by non-profits
5. developing an optimal promotional mix
5.1. nature of the market
5.2. nature of the product
5.3. stage in the product life cycle
5.4. price
6. importance of team work
6.1. - a big picture view of promotion planing ,a total startegy that includes all marketing activities
6.2. - not just promotion
6.3. - everyone involved in every aspect of promotion
6.3.1. public relations
6.3.2. advertising
6.3.3. personal selling
6.3.4. sales promotion
6.4. - must present a consistent, coordinated promotional effort at every point customer contact with the organization
6.4.1. they save money, time and effort
7. imc
7.1. attempts to unify all pieces of marketing communications - advertising, public relations, direct marketing, social media, sales promotion, etc. - to create messaging that is consistent across all channels.
7.2. focuses on the customer and is efficient and cost-effective. The IMC approach leverages all marketing and communications pieces, and harnesses the power each provides to ensure customers receive consistent, relevant and powerful messages.
7.3. ever-evolving. As new forms of media gain popularity, IMC professionals do more than react to those changes - they anticipate them.
8. objectives of promotion
8.1. provide informations to consumers and others
8.2. increase demand
8.3. differentiate a product
8.4. accentuate a products value
8.5. stabilize sales
9. elements of the promotional mix
9.1. personal selling
9.1.1. interpersonal influence process involving a sellers promotional presentations conducted on a person-to-person basis with the buyer
9.2. nonpersonal selling
9.2.1. advertising
9.2.2. product placement
9.2.3. sales promotion
9.2.4. direct marketing
9.2.5. public relations and publicity
9.2.6. guerilla marketing
10. measuring the effective of promotion
10.1. online promotion
10.1.1. cost per impression
10.1.2. cost per response