Chapter 5: Numeric Records Management

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Chapter 5: Numeric Records Management by Mind Map: Chapter 5: Numeric Records Management

1. Consecutive numbering supplies: -numbered guides and folders for the numeric file. -alphabetic guides and folders for the general alphabetic file….

2. Database for numeric storage: -database software can simplify creation of the accession log and the alphabetic index…

3. middle-digit storage: -numbers are divided into groups separated by a space or a hypen -the middle group (middle digit) are used as the primary filing division -numbers are read from middle to left to right

4. -numeric storage method in which the last two or three digits are use as the primary division under which a record is fille

5. 5.1.3 Terminal-Digit and Middle-Digit Numbering

6. 5.1.4 Chronologic Filing

6.1. -records filed in date sequence most recent on top, or oldest on top. -principle followed in all storage methods.

7. -ascending number order-from the lowest number tthe highest number -also called serial, sequential and straight numeric -often use prenumbered records such as checks,invoices

8. disadvantages of consecutive numbering: -requires reference to alphabetic index -requires more guides -more time-consuming..

9. advantages of consecutive numbering: -rapid re-filing -easy and unlimited -easy transfer of inactive records...

10. consecutive number filing procedures: -Inspecting -Indexing,Coding, and Cross Referencing -Sorting -Number Coding

11. consecutive numbering components: -Accession log -Alphabetic index -Numbered file -Alphabetic file

12. When to use numeric filing? -record have unique number already assigned to them -assigned a number that has some meaning or importance digit of your credit card..

13. -arranging rcords by number -memorize a list of numbers with ease -keyed ito computers and obtain a variety of personal info

14. 5.1.1 Need for Numeric Filing

15. 5.1.2 Consecutive Numeric Filing