Teaching Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies

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Teaching Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies por Mind Map: Teaching Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies

1. True History

1.1. Stolen Generation

1.2. Terra Nulius

1.3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the first people in Australia

2. Racism

2.1. How to respond to racism

2.2. How racism has impacted Indigenous culture

2.2.1. Adam Goodes

3. Culturally Competent

3.1. Relationships

3.1.1. Communication with Indigenous elders

3.1.2. Community involvement

3.2. Teaching

3.2.1. Improving educational outcomes

3.2.2. Familiarisation with students cultural background

3.3. Leadership

3.3.1. Expanding cultural knowledge

3.3.2. Strong encouragement on educational success

3.4. Learning Environment

3.4.1. Positive

3.4.2. Welcoming

3.4.3. Authentic

3.5. Resources

3.5.1. Value Indigenous staff

3.5.2. Use resources that relate with Indigenous students

4. Social Justice

4.1. How has the effects of the stolen generation play out in todays society?

5. Reconciliation

5.1. Reconciliation Week

5.2. National Apology Day

5.3. Close the gap

6. Cultural Interface

6.1. Knowledge of Aboriginal culture

6.2. NAIDOC Week - Celebrating Indigenous culture in Australia

7. Cultural Identity

7.1. Sense of place

7.2. Sense of belonging

8. The Dreaming

8.1. We as educators are responsible for passing down the stories of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creation stories.