1. Ideas
1.1. Sharing
1.2. facilitating communication
1.3. mobile web
1.4. QR codes
1.4.1. SCVNGR
1.4.2. ARIS
2. Techniques
2.1. community building activities
2.1.1. virtual picnic
2.1.2. "do you know who this is?"
2.1.3. virtual townhalls
2.2. RSS steams
2.3. hashtags
2.3.1. #thatdarnlist
2.3.2. #hcsm
2.4. combine with real life
2.4.1. meetups
2.4.2. French conversation group
2.4.3. a2b3
2.5. How To
2.5.1. Creating an Online Personal Learning Network
2.5.2. PLN: Your Personal Learning Network Made Easy
2.5.3. Warlick's CoLearners: The Art & Technique of Personal Learning Networks
2.5.4. 8 Ways To Build Your Personal Learning Network With Twitter, Google Plus, And More
2.5.5. PLENK (Personal Learning Environments Networks & Knnowledge)
3. Resources
3.1. Formal
3.1.1. Professional associations
3.1.2. email listservs
3.1.3. blogs
3.2. Informal
3.2.1. conversations
3.2.2. being where other people are
3.3. niche networks
3.3.1. Ning Educator's PLN
3.3.2. Spruz
3.3.3. Groups
3.3.4. Grouply
3.3.5. SocialGO
3.3.6. Wetpaint
3.3.7. More Robin Good's Ning Alternatives Guide 9 Free Ning Alternatives And Some Open Source Solutions
3.4. social media
3.4.1. Facebook
3.4.2. Delicious
3.4.3. Twitter
3.4.4. Identi.ca
3.4.5. Plurk
3.4.6. Google+
3.4.7. Youtube
3.4.8. virtual worlds Second Life World of Warcraft OpenQwaq / Teleplace OpenSim more
4. Challenges
4.1. Questions
4.1.1. How do you know you have a quality PLN?
4.1.2. Balance
4.1.3. time management
4.1.4. priority setting
4.1.5. efficiency
4.1.6. choices
4.2. Issues
4.2.1. trolls griefers spammers
4.2.2. expert or just a loudmouth?
5. Definitions
5.1. Personal learning
5.1.1. reading
5.1.2. learning
5.1.3. web sites
5.1.4. tutorials
5.1.5. Lynda.com
5.1.6. books
5.1.7. Great Courses
5.1.8. online video
5.1.9. self-learning
5.2. PL Networks
5.2.1. "that set of people you'd call when you have a question"
5.2.2. oversized"mentor net"
5.2.3. instead of phoning, now I set up a shared connection and he fixes my computer
5.2.4. screen sharing
5.3. PLN
5.3.1. Wikipedia: Personal learning environment virtual learning environment social medium EQUAL your own PLN
5.3.2. Fischbowl "what's new is the reach"
6. Motivators
6.1. one-person shop
6.2. only person with your job in your building or area
6.3. opportunities
6.3.1. NASA Astronauts tweet
6.3.2. Q&A session from the space station
6.3.3. citizen science
6.4. lack of professional colleagues in your immediate environment
6.5. repackaging
6.6. connecting with the real expert
6.6.1. or notables