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My Cloud Eportfolio by Mind Map: My Cloud Eportfolio

1. Employment

1.1. YNH Services Training Coordinator

1.2. Tutor/Facilitator

2. Academic

2.1. Diploma of Community Education

2.2. Diploma of Community Development

2.3. Diploma of Project Management

2.4. Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

2.5. Certificate III in Busniess

2.6. Certificate II in Information Technology

3. Personal

3.1. Parkinsons Unit Walk

4. Volunteer Projects

4.1. Yarrawonga Mulwala Swimming Club

4.1.1. Head Coach

4.1.2. Secretary

4.2. Yarrawonga Mulwala Development

4.2.1. President

4.2.2. Treasurer

4.3. Yarrawonga Mulwala Community Forum

4.3.1. Education Representative

4.4. Yarrawonga Mulwala Chamber of Commerce

4.4.1. Secretary

4.4.2. Treasurer

5. Projects

5.1. YNH Enabling Trainers to Enable Learners

5.2. Reflect and Connect

5.3. EpCop MOOC