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Unity3D by Mind Map: Unity3D

1. Scripting Overview

1.1. attaching custom script objects

1.2. Common Operations

1.3. Time

1.4. Accessing Components

1.5. Accessing Objects

1.6. Vectors

1.7. Variables

1.8. Instantiate

1.9. Coroutines & Yield

1.10. Using C# & Boo

1.11. Important Classes

1.11.1. MonoBehaviour

1.11.2. Moving / Rotating objects around

1.11.3. Animation System

1.11.4. Rigidbody

1.11.5. FPS or Third person character controller

1.12. Performance Optimization

1.13. Script Compilation

1.14. Unity and Mono compatibility

2. Creating Gameplay

3. Basics

3.1. GameObject

3.1.1. Tag Manager

3.1.2. Layer

3.1.3. Tag

3.1.4. API

3.2. Component

3.2.1. API GameObject.GetComponent String, Type으로 Transform Component 접근하기 String, Type으로 Script Component접근하기 GameObject.AddComponent String과 Type으로 SphereCollider 추가하기

3.3. Lights

3.3.1. Directional Shadow Details

3.3.2. Spot Light Cookie

3.4. Shadow

3.5. Camera

3.6. Rigidbody

3.7. Collider

4. Advanced

4.1. Occlusion Culling

4.2. Propile

4.3. Garbage collection