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Phishing by Mind Map: Phishing

1. Human Factor

1.1. Social Engineering

1.2. Education

1.3. Warning massages and User interfaces

2. Relationship with...

2.1. Spam

2.2. Malware

3. Classification

3.1. Spare Phsing

3.2. Whaling

4. Response and Take down

5. Stakeholder

5.1. User

5.2. Goverments

5.3. Browsers Provider

5.3.1. Registrars

5.3.2. Non Profit Organizations

5.4. Law Enforcement

5.5. Service Provider

5.6. Internet service provider

6. Detection

6.1. Phishing Site Analysis

6.1.1. Server

6.1.2. Content

6.1.3. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

6.2. Email Analysis

6.2.1. Content Natural language processing Sender Aunthintication Machine Learning Anomalies

6.2.2. Content + Behavioral Privacy Concerns

6.3. Others vectors Analysis

6.3.1. Social Networks

6.3.2. IM

7. Economics and law

7.1. Incentives

7.2. Liability

7.3. False Positives