Basic Computer Hardware

Hardware devices

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Basic Computer Hardware por Mind Map: Basic Computer Hardware

1. Output Devices

1.1. Hardware that moves information out of the computer via the monitor or a printer.

1.2. Monitor

1.2.1. Electronic display of computer output; also known as a soft copy.

1.2.2. Benefit: Immediate display of information processed.

1.2.3. Challenge: Soft copy of information. Information is lost (if not saved to hard-drive) when power to the computer is lost.

1.2.4. Application to Learning: Necessary for seeing immediate output from computer applications.

1.3. Printer

1.3.1. Electronic output of computer data; creates a hardcopy.

1.3.2. Benefit: Hard copy of data to keep on file.

1.3.3. Challenge: Compatability of printer with computer software.

1.3.4. Application to Learning: Ability to print mind maps, terminology with definitions or other study materials to access when not at a computer.

2. Input Devices

2.1. Any external means of inputing information into the computer

2.2. Keyboard

2.2.1. Input device consisting of keys of letters, numbers, and symbols. Used to type commands and input data.

2.2.2. Benefits: Allow data input at a rapid rate.

2.2.3. Challenges: Learning curve associated with learning to type.

2.2.4. Application to Learning: Input of data in an excel spread sheet in a math class.

2.3. Mouse

2.3.1. External pointing device used to click on program icons and make selections within software.

2.3.2. Benefits: Ability to navigate through programs with the ease of "point and clicking"

2.3.3. Challenges: Orientation of buttons on mouse to be adapted to a right or left hand dominant student.

2.3.4. Application to Learning: Navigation through software and the internet.