Agile Enterprise

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Agile Enterprise by Mind Map: Agile Enterprise

1. Quality

1.1. Technical Excellence

1.2. Increased Resilience To Faults

1.3. Quality Built Into End-to-End Process

2. Empirical Approach

2.1. Experimentation

2.1.1. Test & Learn Unvalidated Assumptions

2.2. Continuous Learning & Improvement

2.2.1. Knowledge Building & Capability Uplift

2.3. Data-informed Decisions

2.3.1. Trends

2.3.2. Monitoring

3. Flow

3.1. Alleviate Bottlenecks

3.1.1. Small Batch Size

3.1.2. Minimize Context Switching

3.1.3. Visualise Work, Limit WIP & Use Pull System

3.2. Autonomous, Stable, Dedicated, X-functional, Funded, End-to-End Teams

3.2.1. Decisions Made Where Information & Competence Lie

3.3. Sustainable Pace

3.3.1. Understand Capacity

3.3.2. Introduce Slack

4. Value

4.1. Cocreation, Collaboration & Trust

4.1.1. Customer Delight Understand Context

4.1.2. Transparency Open Communication Progress Impediments Deadlines Strict Prioritisation

4.1.3. Proximity & High-bandwidth Communication

4.2. Early & Frequent Feedback

4.2.1. Iterative Development

4.2.2. Adaptive Planning

4.3. Incremental Development

4.3.1. Evolutionary Design

4.3.2. MVP & Vertical Slicing