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Protypes by Mind Map: Protypes

1. Eco conscious

1.1. Fair Trade Products

1.2. Sustainability

1.2.1. Limited Resources (global trend)

1.3. 69% of Generation Y expreseed genuine interest in the environment but also admitted to a lack of personal involvement in green- related activities ( = bad conscious)

1.4. Eco Bounty

2. Long Tail = Retailing, increase product assortment

2.1. Mövenpick Products F&B related

2.1.1. core quality = F&B

2.2. Rental cars

2.3. Merchandise

2.4. New node

3. Alliance with other businesses

3.1. Airlines

3.2. life area related, e.g. drugstore chain, clothing store ...with same target group

3.3. Amazon: Kindle

3.4. Itunes: Access to private itunes bar

3.5. SMART (car)

4. CRM

4.1. strengthen Customer Relationship

4.1.1. establish virtual relationship

4.2. increase Customer co-creation

4.2.1. Rooms

4.2.2. Reservations customized packages

4.2.3. F&B

5. CRS

5.1. establish central Reservation System

5.2. standardize Reservation Processes

5.2.1. synchronize the Reservationsystems

5.3. offer various reservation channels

6. Twinsumers

6.1. "soulmate" - customization

6.1.1. flea market application

6.1.2. customized recommendates frm local soulmates

6.1.3. leisure time activities

6.2. customized recommnedations

6.3. use actual customers as ambassadors

6.3.1. blogs

6.3.2. recommendation

6.3.3. experience sharing intranet blogging


7.1. Membership allows free F&B consumption

7.2. New node

8. Increase Advertisement Effort

8.1. Ashvertisement

9. IT based

9.1. technological upgrade of amenities/facilities

9.1.1. Generation Y has "natural" relationship with Technology GY expects advanced technology in-room Kindle in room

9.1.2. New node

9.2. modernize Channels

9.2.1. facilitate/modernize payment methods

9.2.2. New node "smart shopping"

9.3. Cloudcomputing

9.3.1. Sharing of Information on a regional, or even corporate level Guest Profiles HR related information vacancies facilitates job rotation facilitates training

9.4. New node

10. Ageing Babyboomers = New Segment

11. Feminization

11.1. Generation Y will have more women with buying power and in influential positions

11.1.1. women have different needs/wants than men respond to womens' claim to combine family/career facilities/service

12. Membership

12.1. New node

13. New node

14. New node

15. HR

15.1. Increase Attractivity for Generation Y

15.1.1. Increase Career Opportunities

15.1.2. Training

15.1.3. Flexible Working Tims

15.1.4. Family support

15.1.5. Innovation

15.1.6. Reward based Generation Y responds to different rewards than the Babyboomers Leisure time highly valued = Family

15.1.7. Freedom of work

15.1.8. Deals with treath of labour shortage crucial for Hospitality Industry since highly labour dependent

15.2. Establish loyal strong employee base

15.3. might lead to operational excellence

15.3.1. Value Proposition

15.3.2. Key Activity: ensure quality

15.3.3. Key Resources: Well trained/dedicated staff

16. Citysumers

16.1. Urbanization

16.1.1. expotential growth

16.1.2. increasing wealth, size, importance, popularity..

16.1.3. New node

16.2. "the Real Deal"

16.2.1. seeking for the authentic experience

16.2.2. uncensored

16.2.3. raw

16.2.4. spontaneous

16.2.5. connected

16.3. establish "City Brand"

16.3.1. City specilaized service

16.3.2. increase collaboration with local companies

16.3.3. develop personal touch based on city background

16.4. Generation Y strives for the "urban style"

16.4.1. Communication speed content style

16.4.2. Attitude oppinionated New node Urban Pride risque experiences Honesty/frank

16.4.3. help them create a STATUS STORY

16.5. Hilton: It's all about Location, Location, Location

16.5.1. upsell key success riteria : The very city Emphazise location in arketing effort

17. Wellthy

17.1. F&B

17.1.1. Sustainability

17.1.2. Slow Food

17.1.3. Local Products

17.2. 73% US citizens consider being physically fit important to beig wel

17.2.1. US 3rd important segment of Mövenpick AMS

18. New node

19. Share not Have

19.1. Time Share

19.2. Revenue = Commission fees

20. F FACTOR/ Connectivity

20.1. Conference/Business

20.1.1. Team Building Boat Conference Picknick