Fuze Day Sep/2011 - Python team

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Fuze Day Sep/2011 - Python team por Mind Map: Fuze Day Sep/2011 - Python team

1. What

1.1. Planned to continue some nice project Dmitri & me started for some lecture

1.2. However, by orders from above, we'll be implementing an ALM Feeds Aggregator

2. Who

2.1. Dmitri K

2.2. Alex A

2.3. Udi B

2.4. Noam B

2.5. Anyone not happy with his quality of life & brave enough to try alternatives

3. Plan

3.1. Interview the app users

3.2. Design the MVP

3.3. Implement MVP today

3.4. Get feedback on MVP

3.5. Add more features

4. Infrastructure

4.1. Version control

4.1.1. Mercurial + BitBucket

4.2. Message Queue

4.2.1. RabbitMQ + Celery

4.3. IDE

4.3.1. PyCharm

4.4. Web Framework

4.4.1. Django

4.5. Front-end Framework

4.5.1. Backbone.js

5. Goals

5.1. Learn

5.2. Have fun