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Copy of Lexicology by Mind Map: Copy of Lexicology

1. Units of language

1.1. Word (main)

1.1.1. Sound form

1.1.2. Morphological structure

1.1.3. Syntactic functions

1.2. Morpheme

1.3. Set expression

2. Connection

2.1. Stylistics

2.2. Phonetics

2.3. Grammar

3. Paradigm

4. Valence

5. Motivation

5.1. Phonetical

5.2. Morphological

5.3. Semantic

6. Connotation

6.1. Stylistic

6.2. Emotional

6.3. Evaluative

6.4. Intensifying

7. Linguistics

8. Types

8.1. Historical

8.2. Contrastive

8.3. Descriptive

9. Context

10. Syntagma

11. Lexical opposition

12. Meaning

12.1. Lexical

12.1.1. Nominative

12.1.2. Syntactically conditioned

12.1.3. Phraseologically bound

12.2. Grammatical

12.3. Lexico-grammatical

13. Denotation