Physics Chapter 5 Summary- Turning effects of Forces

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Physics Chapter 5 Summary- Turning effects of Forces by Mind Map: Physics Chapter 5 Summary- Turning effects of Forces

1. Moment/Torque

1.1. A turning effect of a force

1.2. Moment = Force x perpendicular dist. from the pivot

1.2.1. M = F x d

1.2.2. Pivot/Fulcrum/Hinge

1.3. SI unit : Newton meter (Nm)

1.4. Either clockwise or anti-clockwise

1.5. Principal

1.5.1. When an object is in equilibrium, the ∑ cwm = ∑ acwm

2. Terms

2.1. Equilibrium

2.1.1. Balanced

2.2. cwm

2.2.1. clockwise motion

2.3. acwm

2.3.1. anti-clockwise motion

2.4. CG

2.4.1. Center of Gravity

2.5. LoA

2.5.1. Line of Action

3. Levers

3.1. A rod that when applied force to, it will help to move a load

3.2. All have a pivot

3.3. Enable us to move objects with less force

4. Center of Gravity

4.1. The point where gravity acts on an object

4.2. If the LoA of the object doesn't go through the pivot, there is a moment (it turns)

4.2.1. the object will turn until there is no more moments

4.3. Regular Objects

4.3.1. CG is in the center on it

4.4. Irregular Objects

4.4.1. 1) Set up apparatus

4.4.2. 2) Hang plumbline in front of the laminar

4.4.3. 3) Trace the plumbline onto the laminar

4.4.4. 4) Turn the laminar and trace another edge

4.4.5. The intersection of the lines is the CG

4.4.6. Video:

4.4.7. Eg ^

5. Stability

5.1. the measure of a body's ability to maintain its position

5.2. Types of stability

5.2.1. Stable Equilibrium Displaced Slightly and it is able maintain position

5.2.2. Unstable Equilibrium Displaced Slightly and changes position It will always will try to find a lower CG

5.2.3. Neutral Equilibrium Remains still after being displaced

5.3. Redesign for Stability

5.3.1. Lower the CG Add weight Change material Increase the weight Change to heavier material

5.3.2. Increase base area To change pivot and CG Change pivot change CG

5.3.3. So that CG is lower that the pivot More Stable equilibrium

5.3.4. Move CG below pivot