UAS Sitka Website

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UAS Sitka Website by Mind Map: UAS Sitka Website

1. Enrollment

1.1. catalog

1.1.1. Enhanced course catelog

1.2. Schedules

1.3. Admissions

1.4. Registering

1.5. UA Online

2. Future Students

2.1. What kind of student?

2.1.1. Newbie

2.1.2. Transfer

2.1.3. Just one class

2.1.4. Academic

2.1.5. Non-academic

2.2. GED

2.3. ESL

2.4. What is college like?

2.5. How do you plan your course of study

2.6. financial aid

2.7. How to be successful

2.8. Admissions

2.8.1. How to get to current student status

2.9. Are you ready for a distance course

2.10. Why choose UAS-Sitka

2.11. Programs

3. Current Students

3.1. Getting started in a class

3.1.1. elmo

3.1.2. email

3.1.3. MBS Bookstore

3.2. Who does what?

3.3. Enrollment

3.4. Transcripts/Grades

3.5. Proctoring/Testing

3.6. Library Online Resources

3.7. Financial Aid

3.8. Advising

3.9. Department/Program Info

3.10. Directory

3.11. who does what?

3.12. Orientation

3.13. Student Success Skils/Study Skills

3.14. Are you ready for a distance course

3.15. email

3.16. Student Government

3.17. UA Online

3.17.1. DegreeWorks

3.17.2. Registration

3.17.3. Grades/Transcripts

3.17.4. Financial AId

3.18. UAS Online/Blackboard

4. Student Success Center

4.1. Advising

4.2. Learning Center

4.3. financial aid

4.3.1. VA Benefits

4.3.2. Scholarships Outside Scholarships Sitka Tuition Waiver UAS Scholarships UA Scholars

4.3.3. Loans

4.4. getting ready for work skills

4.5. Student Success Skills/Study Skills

4.6. Online Native Student Resource Center

5. Programs

5.1. HIM

5.2. Pre-Nursing

5.3. COED

6. Faculty/Staff

6.1. Directory

6.2. Email

6.3. LMS Systems

6.3.1. Blackboard

6.3.2. UAS Online

6.4. What does what?

6.5. who does what?

6.6. what do you find where?

6.6.1. UA Online

6.6.2. UAS Website Provost Website syllabus info Fac Senate Website Staff Council

6.6.3. UA Website HR

6.7. Forms

6.8. IDC

6.8.1. Syllabus Info

6.9. Health

6.10. UAS Committees

6.11. Professional Development

7. Online Services

7.1. email

7.2. LMS systems

7.2.1. UAS Online

7.2.2. Blackboard

7.3. UA Online

7.4. Online Library Resources

8. Noncredit CE Training