1. Baseline
1.1. They are chaos
1.2. No comfort
1.3. Collaborative
2. Dante Murphy
2.1. @dantemurphy
2.2. #scripted_chaos
2.3. Background
2.3.1. It's hard to do a mosh pit by yourself
2.3.2. Tell stories
2.3.3. It was 1992 in London
2.3.4. I'm not British
2.3.5. Saw Fugazi in New York
2.3.6. Did Moshin'
3. Warm up
3.1. invite to mosh
3.2. How many people are smart?
3.3. Go shake hands
3.4. Sit with new friends
3.5. You are now smarter
4. I don't stand still alot
4.1. standing makes me uncomfortable
4.2. invested energy in making myself comfy
4.3. not towards invigorating the performance
4.4. make sure people are comfortable
5. Crowdsurfing is impossible by itself
5.1. hand on shoulder == help me up brother
5.2. I became fully engaged
5.3. But I didn't feel confident
5.4. Don't be the jerk who jumps on top of someone
6. We must give people the context so they can contribute
7. We must include people
7.1. A small interdisciplinary group
7.2. boss was self deprencial
7.3. Experience is important
7.4. expertise provides context
7.4.1. narrow vision
7.5. The clash includes the audience in the show
7.5.1. Tear down chairs
7.5.2. to stand on stage and play louder
7.5.3. and sloppier
7.5.4. doesn't improve the experience
8. Anticipation
8.1. bring the stuff you're going to need
8.2. bring stuff
8.3. Be prepared for what may happen
8.4. imagine what could happen
8.4.1. Fishbone climbed a tree
8.5. Experiment with things
8.6. evaluate what happened.
8.6.1. Do we need to do something different?
8.6.2. if you know who it affects you can make good changes
9. Principles
9.1. pogo turns into bumping into people turn into beating people up
9.2. We have organizational principles
9.3. and personal principles
9.4. accountability
9.4.1. for things we screw up
9.4.2. and do right
9.5. Nurturing
9.5.1. don't just not hurt someone
9.5.2. pick them up
9.5.3. Notions are between unknowns and ideas
9.5.4. nurture them
9.5.5. share them
9.6. Sharing
9.6.1. Do it in a constructive way
9.7. self determination
10. Awareness
10.1. understand how people are likely to behave
10.2. make it possible for people to contribute in a positive way
10.3. Engagement
10.3.1. Can be positive
10.3.2. can have drawbacks
10.4. Environment
10.4.1. What is it people want in this environment
10.4.2. What are their emotions?
10.5. Emotions
10.6. Actions
10.6.1. Observe actions instead of assuming they'll do what we expect
10.6.2. New node
11. Respect
11.1. Boundaries
11.2. values
11.2.1. security folks don't want mosh pits
11.2.2. go out to the concourse to do the mosh pit there
11.2.3. Think about everyones values, not just yours
11.3. ideas
11.3.1. the currency of collaboration
11.3.2. it don't matter how many ideas you have if you don't spend it
11.4. goals
11.4.1. What does everyone want?
11.4.2. go back to your sheet of paper and write the different peoples goals
12. Humility
12.1. don't let what you want to achieve
12.2. get in the way of what your group can achieve
12.3. momentum
12.4. correction
12.4.1. floor justice. Let people fall
12.4.2. it may be innappropriate to do floor justice
12.4.3. align peoples personalities with ideas that are worth pursuing
12.5. collectivisim
12.5.1. i'm a communist ;)
12.6. New node
13. Irreverence
13.1. Indie rock pop songs
13.2. indignation
13.2.1. there is no kind of music,
13.2.2. it's about the people and the energy
13.3. interpretation
13.3.1. the way you say these guys are ok
13.3.2. can be interpreted as insulting
13.3.3. defy artificial constraints
13.4. inspiration
13.5. innovation
13.5.1. break down walls that say you can't do that.
13.5.2. negation: think about how to make something really really awful
13.5.3. think about irreverent responses
14. Contact
14.1. not unique to moshing
14.2. dance is contact
14.3. intent
14.3.1. judge peoples intent when they take actions
14.3.2. if you get emotional, put the keyboard down
14.4. energy
14.4.1. sometimes the grammas really rock it
14.5. activity
14.5.1. What we are doing must be positive and safe
14.5.2. but the actiity must give it life
14.6. entropy
14.6.1. you can tell who the professional in the mosh pit is
14.6.2. you hit everyone in the room as hard as they wanted to be hit
14.7. gogamestorming!
14.7.1. establish boundaries to know the field of play
14.7.2. moshing has boundaries
15. vision
15.1. tangible
15.1.1. I want a picture can I borrow your camera?
15.1.2. put everyone on stage
15.2. memorable
15.3. extensible
15.4. meaningful
15.4.1. we want to create meaningful innovation that can't happen in any other way