Western Philosophy
by Group2 FYP
1. Being and Reality
1.1. The Allegory of the Cave - Plato
1.2. Metaphysics, Old and New - Immanuel Kant
1.3. Nothing Outside the Mind - George Berkeley
1.4. Simulacra and Simulation - Jean Baudrillard
2. Mind and Body
2.1. The Problem of Other Minds - John Stuart Hill
2.2. The Immortal Soul - Plato
2.2.1. New node
2.3. The Myth of the "Ghost in the Machine" - Gilbert Ryle
3. Knowledge and Certainty
3.1. Experience and Understanding - Immanuel Kant
3.2. Scepticism versus Human Nature - David Hume
3.3. Knowledge versus Opinion - Plato
4. The Self and Freedom
4.1. Selfhood and Narrative Understanding - Charles Taylor
4.2. Condemned to be Free - Jean-Paul Sartre
4.3. Absolute Determinism - Pierre Simon de Laplace
5. Beauty and Art
5.1. Art as Imitation - Plato
5.2. The Concept of the Beautiful - Immanuel Kant
5.3. The Two Faces of Art - Friedrich Nietzsche
5.3.1. New node