TEDxRotterdam2011 Sander Veenhof

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TEDxRotterdam2011 Sander Veenhof by Mind Map: TEDxRotterdam2011 Sander Veenhof

1. don't trust your own eyes, believe what you are told

2. AR

2.1. invisible stories

3. question

3.1. add layers to the world

3.2. physical & combination of layers

3.3. ideas

3.3.1. moving MoMa to Eindhoven

3.4. applications beyonf art?

3.4.1. relevenat context

3.4.2. change physical location with really doing it

3.4.3. New node

4. Leading augmented reality artist

4.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site

4.2. @sndrv

4.3. sndrv.nl

5. intro

5.1. long time ago

5.1.1. things where true or not true

5.2. photography

5.2.1. made is more fuzzy

5.3. digital photograohy makes it more unclear

5.3.1. whats right and wrong

6. ...we're having some WiFi problems...

7. Sample videos

7.1. Virtual Traffic Light sample

7.2. MoMa sample

7.3. Venice Biennale sample

7.4. Eternal AR presence at Lowlands