
Testing - A mind map of the testing quadrants mapped to levels and ownership

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Tested by Mind Map: Tested

1. Q1 - ThF - Guide Dev

1.1. Unit

1.1.1. task

1.2. Component

1.2.1. task

1.2.2. story

1.3. Feature Team

2. Q2 - BF - Guide Dev

2.1. TCs - Aut Tests - UI / API

2.1.1. story

2.1.2. feature

2.2. TCs - Man Tests

2.2.1. story

2.2.2. feature

2.3. Feature Team

3. Q3 - BF - Critique Product

3.1. Exploratory Testing

3.1.1. Charters Story Features Release

3.2. Automation: framework level

3.3. Integrated Experience Scenarios (CBS)

3.3.1. Features

3.3.2. Release / Product

3.3.3. Cloud

3.3.4. All Clouds

3.4. CCE Knowledge Share

3.4.1. Q3 / Feature

3.4.2. Release

3.5. Q3 Team

4. Q4 - ThF - Critique Product

4.1. Perf

4.1.1. Server feature / release

4.1.2. Client feature / release

4.1.3. Specialized

4.2. Load

4.2.1. feature / release

4.2.2. Specialized / Feature

4.3. Security

4.3.1. Server story / feature / release

4.3.2. Client story / feature / release

4.3.3. Feature / Specialization

4.4. Localization

4.4.1. feature / release

4.4.2. Q3 / Feature

4.5. Accessibility

4.5.1. release

4.5.2. Q3 / Feature / Specialization

5. Testing PoV / Levels

5.1. Product / Release Level

5.2. Feature Level

5.3. Story Level

5.4. Task Level

6. Ownership

6.1. Feature Team

6.2. Q3 Team

6.3. Specialization Team