Youssef Beydoun's PLE

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Youssef Beydoun's PLE by Mind Map: Youssef Beydoun's PLE

1. Audio

1.1. i-Tunes

1.2. BBC radio

1.3. LBC Radio

2. Physical Space

2.1. University

2.2. Library

2.3. L&D

2.4. Home

2.5. Shishakana

3. Writing and Drawing

3.1. G-Mail

3.2. Googles

3.3. Webmail

4. Text

4.1. HBMeU e-Library

4.2. Wikipedia

4.3. Pearson Education

4.4. McGraw Hill

5. Peaople

5.1. Dick Gaither

5.2. Michael Farr

5.3. Nicholas English

5.4. Mona El Ayoubi

5.5. Twitter

6. Formal Training

6.1. Mind Mappint

6.2. Mind Meister

6.3. Virtual classroom

6.4. Aviation Security