Stewardship Failures

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Stewardship Failures by Mind Map: Stewardship Failures


2. Theft of the commons

2.1. Public spaces

2.2. Food

2.2.1. Seeds

2.3. Water, air, soil

2.4. Internet

2.5. Pharmaceutical Research

2.6. Dirty energy sources (coal, oil, gas)

2.7. Public air waves

3. Crimes against nature

3.1. Untitled

3.2. GMO's

3.2.1. Monsanto, US gov't others

3.3. Tar Sands Oil

3.3.1. US govt, other

3.4. Harm to the Gulf of Mexico

3.4.1. BP & Others

3.5. Ecocide

3.5.1. Burro hunting

3.5.2. Species extinction

3.6. Oceans

3.6.1. Trash

3.6.2. Dead zones

3.6.3. Overfishing

3.7. Dirty every sources

4. Corporate

4.1. Corporate personhood

4.2. predatory banking,

4.3. Mass wealth

4.4. Citizens United

4.4.1. Theft of elections

4.5. Corruption

4.5.1. Banking

4.5.2. Market-State

5. Imperialism

5.1. Invasion & occupation of other countries

5.2. Genocide

5.3. Torture

5.4. Economic slavery

5.5. Resource exploitation

6. Crimes against humanity

6.1. Crimes against indigenous peoples

6.2. War

6.3. Genocide

6.4. Privilege

6.5. Fraud

6.6. Homelessness

6.7. Violence

6.8. Poverty

6.9. Murder

6.10. Torture