1. House
1.1. remove wallpaper
1.2. finish cleaning office desk
1.3. button up for winter
1.3.1. fan on vent
1.3.2. Cover broken windows?
1.3.3. Get curtains for Florida Rm
1.4. do at least some work on basement organization
2. Holidays
2.1. Thanksgiving
2.1.1. Where is it going to be?
2.1.2. If here, then menu others to bring disposable dishes?
2.2. Dec 9 Toastmaster party
2.3. Christmas
2.3.1. When is Ryan and fam coming?
2.3.2. vehicle for family light trip Rent? friend?
2.3.3. Clean & Decorate plan decorating shop cheap figure out where everyone is going to sleep plan menu shop
2.3.4. Gifts Order adult children gift buy grandchildren gifts
2.3.5. send cards write Christmas letter photo?
2.3.6. Prof Portrait Call Paul about scheduling select dress code communicate date, time and dress code to all Make list of people to be in portrait
3. Work
3.1. keep sending resumes
3.2. Call temp agency weekly
3.3. research local student affairs associations in area
3.3.1. attend Fri conference in Dayton
4. Toastmasters
4.1. review PR publications
4.1.1. confirm placed ads are running
4.1.2. send emails to all members asking for suggestions
4.2. Meetings prep
4.2.1. Read up on Evaluator role before next meeting 2 wks
4.2.2. add meeting jobs/speeches to my phone/outlook schedule
4.2.3. Write speech for 2nd week Jan
5. Small group
5.1. hosting Wed meetings in Dec
5.1.1. reservations-Bravo's Dec 17 for party
5.1.2. prep snacks and house for 1st and 2nd wk meetings here
6. Sewing Class
6.1. design
6.2. setup time
6.3. prep house day before
6.4. get supplies together
6.5. prep class skills order
6.6. practice skills
6.7. gather materials
6.8. send email to women about materials to bring
6.9. food?
7. Appointments
7.1. Thurs Dec4 11am - Accountemps
8. My Geistesblitzes
8.1. best book on mind mapping? any recommendations?
9. School
9.1. finish grad school application
9.1.1. complete application write purpose paper
9.1.2. Send for transcripts
9.1.3. sign up for classes order books
9.2. Keep practicing speedreading
9.2.1. fiction
9.2.2. non-fiction
10. Weekly/Biweekly
10.1. shop
10.2. laundry
10.3. pay bills
10.4. touch base with tenants and make sure all's well at apt
11. Visitors
11.1. Rob and Travis this week
11.2. Christina next week
11.2.1. give her key
11.2.2. get rice maker ready! Sushi!!
11.2.3. ask her what ingredients?
11.2.4. what day is she working Elizabeth's car send Elizabeth email to get Christina a little thank you gift before she leaves
12. Special Events
12.1. Friday Concert
12.1.1. make sure we have cash for entry
12.2. Next Mon
12.2.1. New node