Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese Calligraphy

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Chinese Calligraphy by Mind Map: Chinese Calligraphy

1. Contact

1.1. My Contact Information

1.1.1. Email Address

1.1.2. Phone Number

1.2. About Myself

1.2.1. Name (Chuheng Jiang)

1.2.2. Interests

2. Four Treasures of Chinese Calligraphy

2.1. Writing brush(笔)

2.2. Ink stick(墨)

2.3. Rice Paper(纸)

2.4. Ink Stone(砚)

3. Reference

4. Home

4.1. Introduction of Chinese Calligraphy

4.2. The History of Chinese Calligraphy

5. Famous works

5.1. Regular script

5.1.1. Yan Zhenqing

5.1.2. Liu Gongquan

5.1.3. Ouxyang Xun

5.1.4. Zhao menfu

5.2. Running script

5.2.1. Lantingji Xu

5.2.2. Funeral Oration for My Nephew

5.2.3. Cold food observance