Design Disciplines

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Design Disciplines by Mind Map: Design Disciplines

1. + sensitively considers the environmental impact of the design

2. + represents design ideas using a variety of visual communication skills

3. + sensitively considers the environmental impact of the design

4. + follows a design cycle for solving a a built environment challenge/ problem

4.1. + presents design ideas which identify and respond to climatic and environmental issues and concerns.

5. + represents design ideas using a variety of visual communication skills

5.1. + presents design ideas which identify and respond to environmental issues and concerns.

6. + follows a design cycle for solving a a environmental design challenge/ problem at various scales

7. architecture

7.1. + uses research, planning and organization skills for developing the design

7.2. + makes and tests physical and digital models

8. interior design

8.1. + follows a design cycle for solving a a interior spatial challenge/ problem

8.2. + represents design ideas using a variety of visual communication skills

8.3. + sensitively considers the environmental impact of the design

8.4. + makes and tests physical and digital models

8.4.1. + presents design ideas which identify and respond to ergonomics, function, aesthetics

9. landscape design

9.1. + uses research, planning and organization skills for developing the design

9.2. + makes and tests physical and digital models

10. + uses research, planning and organization skills for developing the design

11. + follows a design cycle for solving a a design challenge/ problem involving textiles/ fabrics

12. + presents design ideas which identify and respond to ergonomics, function, environmental issues and concerns.

13. + uses research, planning and organization skills for developing the design

14. engineering

14.1. + follows a design cycle for solving a structural/ mechanical/ electrical design challenge/ problem

14.2. + represents design ideas using a variety of visual communication skills

14.3. + sensitively considers the environmental impact of the design

14.4. + presents design ideas which identify and respond to environmental issues and concerns.

14.5. + makes and tests physical and digital models

15. industrial design

15.1. + follows a design cycle for solving a a manufacturing challenge/ problem

15.2. + represents design ideas using a variety of visual communication skills

15.3. + sensitively considers the environmental impact of the design

15.4. + presents design ideas which identify and respond to ergonomics, function, environmental issues and concerns.

15.5. + makes and tests physical and digital models

16. fashion design MINE _me

16.1. + uses research, planning and organization skills for developing the design

16.2. + represents design ideas using a variety of visual communication skills

16.3. + sensitively considers the environmental impact of the design

16.4. + makes and tests physical and digital models

17. i am pretty awesome