Googl Apps APIs talk, GDD
by Udi h Bauman
1. Apps Script
1.1. Run JS scripts in Google's cloud & work on Google Docs/Apps data
1.1.1. Features Caching Locking UI builder Charts Gmail & gdocs actions
2. Picker API
2.1. Let's users select a google docs document of the user
2.1.1. That can then be integrated in your app
3. Auth
3.1. Oauth2
3.1.1. Provide playground
4. Google Apps marketplace
4.1. New features
4.1.1. Personal apps - individual users purchase apps
4.1.2. Staff picks Featuring deeply integrated apps
4.1.3. Improved search & Analytics
5. About
5.1. @ryguyrg
5.2. Ryan Boyd
6. Gdata
6.1. Partial gets and sets
6.2. Batch operations
7. Challenges
7.1. Many adjunct specs
7.2. Xml
7.3. Client library out of date
8. New API stack
8.1. OAuth
8.2. Multiple data firmat
8.2.1. XML
8.2.2. Json
8.2.3. ...
8.3. Https
8.4. All API's will sit on this common API infra
9. Features
9.1. Partial response
9.2. Partial update
9.2.1. Using http patch command
9.2.2. Eg, update just title of a task
9.3. RPC services
9.3.1. Not rest semantics Eg, rotate image
10. Client library
10.1. Uses discovery mechanism
10.1.1. Client library that discovers an API & builds the client library dynamically
11. API's
11.1. Tasks API
11.2. Groups API & Groups settings API
11.2.1. Can be used to control access to resources Groups can have access to google storage resources You can use it to manage ACL eg for beta testers