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Tonsillitis by Mind Map: Tonsillitis

1. Risk Factors

1.1. Common between the ages 5-15

2. Clinical Presentation

2.1. Sore Throat

2.2. Difficulty and painful swallowing

2.3. Decreased Appetite

2.4. Enlarged, tender lymph nodes

2.5. White or yellow patches on tonsils

2.6. 4+ tonsils with diffuse exudate

2.7. Fever

3. Diagnosis

3.1. Physical Examination

3.2. Throat Swab

3.3. Complete Blood Count (CBC)

4. Pathophysiology

4.1. Bacterial Infections

4.1.1. Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococci

4.1.2. Haemophilus Influenza Type B

4.2. Viral Infections

4.2.1. Epstein Barr

4.2.2. Herpes Virus

4.2.3. Adenovirus

5. Epidemiology

5.1. 15-30% sore throats in children

5.2. 5-10% sore throats in adults

6. Adaptive responses to alterations.

6.1. B-cell activation

6.1.1. Antibodies produced

6.2. T-cell activation

6.3. Increased temperature

6.4. Inflammation