1. Keywords
1.1. quality
1.1.1. 1. the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
1.1.2. 2. a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
1.2. knowledge
1.2.1. 1. facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
1.2.2. 2. awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
1.3. accept
1.3.1. 1. consent to receive or undertake (something offered).
1.3.2. 2. believe or come to recognise (a proposition) as valid or correct.
2. Key Phrases
2.1. quality of knowledge
2.1.1. how reliable and relevant a fact or information is
2.2. best measured
2.2.1. determined or hypothesised to an extent that it can be no more accurate
2.3. people accept
2.3.1. the public regards the knowledge as being true and therefore acknowledges its reliability
3. Rewrite
3.1. How certain a knowledge may be, is most accurately hypothesised by the number of people regarding it as true.
4. Rewrite
4.1. The quality of knowledge is determined by individual's intuition and faith, as well as by the ability to offer reason and to justify its validity.
5. Connections to Classes
5.1. Subject 1
5.1.1. History
5.1.2. On the topic of Indian independence movement (19th century - 1947), Gandhi's significance is highlighted but other nationalist leaders and organisation's contributions are often overlooked (which was my initial understanding — PK). "significance" : the quality of being worthy of attention; importance. In this case, Gandhi is regarded as if he is the reason why India gained its independence, even though many other nationalist leaders and groups contributed to the outcome. WOK: intuition, reason, emotion, faith Framework Area: concepts/language, methodology, personal/ shared knowledge "overlooked" : fail to notice. In this case, other nationalist figures are ignored by many people who are unaware about the actual context of the Indian independence movements. WOK: intuition, reason Framework Area: concepts/language, personal/ shared knowledge
5.2. Subject 2
5.2.1. AOK
5.2.2. RLE/PK Connections Connection WOK Framework Area Connection WOK Framework Area
5.3. Subject 3
5.3.1. AOK
5.3.2. RLE/PK Connections Connection WOK Framework Area Connection WOK Framework Area