Exploring a Problem or Opportunity , Collected by [email protected] 2011-11, REF: INCOSE/BKCASE

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Exploring a Problem or Opportunity , Collected by [email protected] 2011-11, REF: INCOSE/BKCASE by Mind Map: Exploring a Problem or Opportunity , Collected by vorachet@gmail.com 2011-11, REF: INCOSE/BKCASE

1. The answer to this question will help define the tractability of the problem.

1.1. First

1.1.1. tame The solution may be well defined and obvious

1.1.2. regular Regular problems are those that are encountered on a regular basis. Their solutions may not be obvious, so serious attention should be given to all aspects of them.

1.1.3. wicked Wicked problems cannot be fully solved or perhaps even fully defined and it is not possible to understand the full effect of applying systems on the problem.

1.2. Second

1.2.1. who or what is impacted? elements that are causing the problem elements that are impacted by the problem elements that are just in the loop

1.3. Finally

1.3.1. what are the viewpoints to the problem?

1.3.2. Does everyone think it is a problem?