Case Study: Kyle

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Case Study: Kyle by Mind Map: Case Study: Kyle

1. PRINCIPAL: Berina Vecchio

1.1. What is the significance of the issue/problem to you? The significance is that the role of a Principal is: ensures the identification and placement of exceptional students, through an IPRC, is done according to the procedures outlined in the Education Act, regulations, and board policies. In this case, the school board says that, by its widely accepted standards, Kyle's abilities do not merit the enrichment program and as the Principal, I have to support the Board Policies

1.2. How might you be feeling, respond or behave? I am feeling conflicted because I understand Kyle's parents want the best for him and his education and the school has modified programming for Kyle to succeed- however he is not meeting the requirements to continue in the enrichment program, It is difficult to balance compassion and understanding with Kyle's parents and the testing/review done by school board professionals.

1.3. What strategies or approaches would you propose? As the Principal, I would set up an IPRC meeting with the parents, teacher and a spec ed personnel (Kyle can join if he wants to). During this meeting I would make sure Kyle's parents are informed and educated on the issue and IEP process. Often times parents do not know the process and they feel the school is not doing everything they can-however it is my role as the Principal to ensure that parents are consulted in the development of their child’s IEP and common ground is met. Parents should familiarize themselves with board policies and procedures in areas that affect their child. Active listening and compassion to the parents need to be in place during this meeting, as well as conflict resolution.

1.4. What might be your plan of action or proposed solution? During the meeting, after the parents have expressed their concerns, I will be compassionate and understanding to their wants and needs, and let them know that we will wait until the Appeal Board makes their decision. If the decision stays the same, I will let the parents know that Kyle can be reviewed again to see if he qualifies for the program in grade 5 depending on his improvement and goals in grade 4. We can set up appropriate goals and transition plans for Kyle to reach common ground and make sure he is receiving the best education.

2. STUDENT: Chester

2.1. What is the significance of the issue/problem to you? The significance is that the withdrawing the gifted identification for a child at this stage may negatively affect his self-esteem. The student has grown accustomed to his peer group and values those relationships. However, the school has determined that Kyle is not able to perform at a level that justifies for the gifted identification. And if he continues in the program, he may fall further behind and that may have negative affect on him.

2.2. How might you be feeling, respond or behave? As the student I might feel sad, discouraged, confused or frustrated because I am being told that I am not good enough. And base on those feelings and my age, I may become withdrawn, act out or possibly present indifferent.

2.3. What strategies or approaches would you propose? As a child in the dimensional stage, I propose that the teacher be clearer in their instruction and provide scaffolding with certain concept areas. Vygotsky highlighted that words and language are directly related to intelligence. And as an only child with individual attention for my entire life, I was able to surpass expectations.

2.4. What might be your plan of action or proposed solution? The plan of action that I’d would like to see, is for someone to talk to me (student) and use Universal Design for Learning to find out what type of learner I am. And that way they can a design learning environment and assessment tools that accurately reflect my level.

3. TEACHER: Ricky

3.1. As an Educator it is important for me to understand the needs of my students. In Kyle's case, there was a possibility due to his above average grades that he in fact could be gifted. As his teacher I would continue to monitor if I see that he shows signs. I act at the advocate for the education of the youth. This is why if Kyle in fact is gifted, I would need to make sure that he gets the best education possible for his minds learning capabilities.

3.2. I would advise the parents and principle that their is a possibility that Kyle could be gifted. We would begin to monitor his learning skills and patterns in hopes to eventually enroll Kyle into a gifted program.

3.3. I would monitor Kyle's learning styles in class and assess over the span of 3-4 weeks if the child would excel within a gifted program. Also, I could get Kyle to work with the school social worker to see if Kyle understands the process completely of what type of program switch will be happening for Kyle.

3.4. After all this has come to be, We would make an executive decision with the parents, principle, social worker and Kyle to decide if Kyle in fact switch to the Gifted Program.

4. What is the issue?

4.1. In grade 3, Kyle is below criterion for the weekly enrichment program on all markers but one (parental nomination). Board policy gives the IPRC latitude to withdraw Kyle's identification as gifted moving into 4th grade- however his parents are appealing

5. Course Content Relation:

5.1. Giftedness:

5.1.1. Kyle might have possessed all of the "triarchic theory" in his early years necessary for giftedness. Analytic, Synthetic and Practical. At the end of grade 3, Kyle may have fell behind in one or more of these and therefore is not classified as gifted according to the IEP Standards. However he can be reassessed in Grade 5, or the Appeal Board may be in favour of Kyle's parents

5.2. DI:

5.2.1. Use higher-level questioning, help Kyle become part of the learning process by maybe creating his own rubric for example

5.3. Scaffolding:

5.3.1. Vygotsky scaffolding is part of the education concept “zone of proximal development”. Perhaps if Kyle's grade 4 teacher uses scaffolding with another gifted peer in a think-pair-share strategy, Kyle might develop the skills over time to learn and connect ideas on his own that made him fall behind his other gifted peers

5.4. Child Development:

5.4.1. Kyle is in the Dimensional Stage (Case) and the Concrete Operational Stage (Piaget)

6. PARENT: Carolyn Vaughan

6.1. What is the significance of the issue/problem to you? *** As Kyle's parent I would hope that the IPRC panel understands I know my child best and consider that our nomination is valid. Kyle comes from a family committed to culture and intelligence and we are proud to have fostered those values with our son. My main issue is that Kyle's gifted classification is being questioned when it is clear to me he is still the same brilliant boy he has always been.

6.2. How might you be feeling, respond or behave? *** I am not feeling very positive; I feel threatened as a parent. I am worried that Kyle will feel that I am letting him down if I don't fight for this.

6.3. What strategies or approaches would you propose? *** I will be proposing a more detailed evaluation of Kyle day-to-day so we can get an exact picture of his experiences at school.

6.4. What might be your plan of action or proposed solution? *** I plan on attempting to convince the IPRC panel that Kyle should be given one more school year to "prove" himself and then we will reassess him. I think this will be a good compromise since it will give Kyle hope, it will not mar his brilliant reputation in his extended family and community, and it will be much less trouble for his teacher, principal and the rest of the IPRC panel to leave things as they are.