Powering Up a Blogsite

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Powering Up a Blogsite by Mind Map: Powering Up a Blogsite

1. Use RSS feeds to aggregate news; create content...

1.1. Google Reader

1.2. FriendFeed

1.3. Delicious

2. Cherry on the Sundae

2.1. Signature file

2.1.1. WiseStamp

2.2. Put your business on the map...

2.2.1. Google Maps

3. Autopost to Social Media sites

3.1. MySpace

3.2. Facebook

3.3. LinkedIn

3.4. Plaxo

3.5. Twitter

4. Leverage Multimedia

4.1. Video

4.1.1. YouTube

4.1.2. Google Video

4.2. Pictures

4.2.1. Picasa

4.3. Podcast

4.3.1. Talkshoe Conference call

4.3.2. Blogtalk Radio Radio talk show

4.3.3. Self Propaganda

5. Electronic Newsletter

5.1. FeedBlitz

5.1.1. Automatic electronic newsletter

6. Use ScribeFire to post content

6.1. Technorati

6.2. Delicious

6.3. Pings

7. Use WordPress.org for extensibility...

7.1. xml sitemap

7.2. professional themes

7.2.1. Solostream

7.3. GoDaddy hosting makes it easy...

7.4. Google Analytics

8. Use Firefox

8.1. Extensible

8.1.1. ScribeFire

8.1.2. Picnik

8.2. Social bookmarking

8.2.1. FriendFeed

8.2.2. Delicious