Human Health & Disease

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Human Health & Disease by Mind Map: Human Health & Disease

1. Assessment

1.1. Summative

1.1.1. Clinical competencies

1.1.2. In course assessment Written Report of clerked case Oral presentation of clerked out-patient

1.1.3. End of year exam MCQ Short answer question

1.2. Formative

1.2.1. Emergency department Report

1.2.2. Interaction during teaching sessions

1.2.3. Clinical encounters on wards

1.3. Peer assessment

1.3.1. Practice history taking

1.4. Practical Skills

1.4.1. Assessment via dentist/doctors/nurses

1.4.2. Logbook sign off

2. Learning Resources

2.1. Clinical

2.1.1. Equipment: Manikin/simulators

2.1.2. Patients

2.2. Non clinical

2.2.1. Lecture slides

2.2.2. Study guide

2.2.3. Reading list

3. Locations

3.1. Clinical

3.1.1. Outpatient clinic

3.1.2. Emergency Department

3.1.3. Ward round

3.2. Non Clinical

3.2.1. Lecture theatre

3.2.2. Seminar rooms

3.2.3. Simulation labs

3.2.4. Library

4. Evaluation

4.1. Informal

4.1.1. Student/tutor discussions

4.2. Formal

4.2.1. Weekly evaluation forms following teaching session

4.2.2. End - Point evaluation survey via university

4.3. Analysis of graded data

5. Timetable

5.1. Autumn term 1

5.2. Spring term 2

5.3. Summer term 3

6. Staff

6.1. Clinical

6.1.1. Clinical lectures/ professors/ teaching fellows

6.1.2. Allied healthcare professionals

6.1.3. Nurses/ doctors/ Dentists

6.1.4. Clinical supervisors

6.2. Non clinical

6.2.1. Support

6.2.2. Administrators

7. Syllabus

7.1. Lectures x26

7.2. Small group teaching x3

7.3. Outpatient clinic

7.4. Structured ward rounds

7.5. Emergency department placement

7.6. Podcast available via E-learning

8. Students

8.1. Year 2 Undergraduate Dental Students

8.2. Fulfilled competencies pass mark Year 1

8.3. Graduate entry students also in 5 year programme who may have prior knowledge/ experience

9. Learning Opportunities

9.1. Formal educational events

9.1.1. Lectures

9.1.2. Small group teaching

9.2. Self-directed learning

9.3. Outpatient clinics

9.4. Structured ward rounds

9.5. Emergency department placements

9.6. Simulated learning environments

9.7. E learning

10. Curriculum Management

10.1. Convenors

10.2. General Dental Council

10.3. University

11. Learning Outcomes

11.1. Professionalism

11.1.1. Communication & manner with patients

11.1.2. Motivation for involvement & learning

11.1.3. Teamwork Interaction with peers Interaction with other healthcare professionals

11.2. Knowledge

11.2.1. Explain systemic disease and their relevance to oral health

11.2.2. Obtain record & interpret a comprehensive and contemporaneous patient history

11.2.3. Formulate appropriate txt plan based on patient assessment & diagnosis

11.2.4. Select/manage appropriate lab & clinical investigations

11.2.5. Recognise & manage medical emergencies

11.3. Practical Skills

11.3.1. Demonstrations

11.3.2. Simulated patients and manikins

11.3.3. Real patients

11.3.4. Supervised attempts

11.3.5. Assessment

11.3.6. Logbook