Action Research Plan

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Action Research Plan by Mind Map: Action Research Plan

1. timeline

1.1. One school year

2. Analysis

2.1. measure change between 2 survey's

2.2. observe teacher contributions to wiki

2.3. measure student products (maps,blogs, calaender use)

3. Probelm: ICT use is low among students and teachers in Specail edcutrtion settings

3.1. Teacher confidence

3.2. Access to ICT applications

3.3. Student Capabilites

3.4. Privacy adn Safety Concerns

4. LiteratureReview

4.1. ITC Special Education

4.1.1. Students

4.1.2. teachers

4.1.3. lessons/activites

4.2. benifits of ITC

4.2.1. engagements

4.2.2. communication

4.3. Life Skills

4.3.1. ITC as life skill

4.3.2. New node

5. Purpose: Increase ITC use among teachers, students and families involved with special education

6. Procedure

6.1. Survey to determine ITC use baseline

6.2. Introduce Wiki

6.3. Provide PD support

6.3.1. In school 1/2 day workshop 1 hour month team meeting co-teach collobaroate

6.3.2. Out of School Divisional PD Additional PD available

6.4. survey to determine growth

7. Materials

7.1. Survey

7.2. Wiki

7.3. internet access devices

8. Participants

8.1. Students

8.2. teachers

8.3. familes

9. Action Plan: Provide teachers, studnets and familieswith informational resources, stratagies and specifc examples of how ICT can be implemented in special education environments.