rr.com.au - N-Tech Migration

Mind map designed to help oversee the migration of Roadrunner Australia's old web system to the new N-Tech hosted site.

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rr.com.au - N-Tech Migration by Mind Map: rr.com.au - N-Tech Migration

1. Web 2.0 ideas

1.1. Toolbar customization

1.2. Mobile - Web integration

1.3. Easy integration with main community sites

1.4. YouTube embedding

2. Database Integration

2.1. Backward compatibility

2.2. Mail List Manager integration with PrimeTime

3. Specific migration issues

3.1. Old news items

3.2. New copy for artist sections

4. Phase IV feature wishlist

4.1. User-created widgets

4.2. Digg + community links for all stories

4.3. Comments & ratings

4.3.1. Additional content supplied by users - using the email update process as used in B2B?

4.4. Wiki-like bios for registered users

5. Sections

5.1. News

5.2. New Releases

5.3. Artists

5.4. Ask Jughead

5.5. Video/Audio

5.6. Street Team

5.7. Conversion of DE Katalog

6. Admin & back-end

6.1. Logins and access

6.2. Power user features

6.3. Reuters system

6.4. B2B Email update process

7. Design & aesthetics

7.1. Widget system

7.1.1. Ability to lock widgets

7.1.2. User preferences for widgets

7.1.3. SDK for widgets

7.2. Grids

7.2.1. 'Boxy' look to site

7.2.2. Uniformity vs. creativity

7.3. Rock vs. metal weighting

7.3.1. Controversy/desirability

7.4. More friendly user-fields

7.4.1. Better introduction to 'joining' area

7.5. Music & Video

7.5.1. Info section - enlargement

8. New node