Digital Literacy - Spreadsheets

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Digital Literacy - Spreadsheets by Mind Map: Digital Literacy - Spreadsheets

1. Formulae

1.1. +, -, /, *

1.2. Absolute vs Relative references

1.2.1. lesson ideas undertenminutes

1.3. Lesson ideas

1.3.1. @simonhaughton spreadsheet quiz

1.3.2. @chrisleach78 12 Days of Christmaths

2. Terminology

2.1. Rule, variable, label

2.2. Formula, function

2.3. Column, row

2.4. Cell, reference, range

2.5. Worksheet, spreadsheet

2.6. Absolute cell reference

2.7. Relative cell reference

2.8. Input, process, output

2.9. Lesson ideas

2.9.1. NGfL Intro to terminology

3. Functions

3.1. Sum, Average

3.2. Min, Max, Mode, Median

3.3. Count, CountIF, Countblank, CountA

3.4. Goalseek

3.5. IF, nested IF, Sumif,

3.6. Absolute vs Relative references

3.7. Data Validation

3.7.1. Lesson ideas NGfL Creating drop down lists

3.8. Dependant data validation

3.9. Naming ranges

3.10. Calculations on dates, NOW

3.11. Randbetween

3.12. Vlookup

3.13. Concatonate

3.14. IF AND, IF OR

3.15. Relational operators =,<, >, <>, <=, >=

3.16. Lesson ideas

3.16.1. NGfL Understanding Functions

4. Shortcuts

4.1. Fill Handle

4.2. AutoSum

4.3. Autofill, fill series

4.4. GoTo

5. Predicting outcomes

5.1. Goal seek

5.2. WhatIf

5.3. Examples in real world

5.4. Reliability

5.5. Comparable data

5.5.1. Additional external sources of data

5.6. Test prediction

5.6.1. Change rules

5.6.2. Change variables

5.6.3. Complex questions (lines of enquiry)

5.7. Calculate revenue, cost, VAT, profit, markup

6. Analysing results

6.1. Identifying a bias

6.2. Reasons for bias

6.3. Evaluating a spreadsheet

6.3.1. Efficient?

6.3.2. Ease of use?

6.3.3. Appropriate?

6.4. unreliable input = unreliable output

6.5. Using filters, autofilters

6.6. Pivot tables

6.6.1. lesson ideas undertenminutes Using for data analysis

6.7. Split Screen

6.8. Annotating using text boxes

7. Introduction

7.1. What is a spreadsheet?

7.2. Examples of how they are used in the 'real world'

7.3. What is a spreadsheet model?

7.4. What is a spreadsheet simulation?

7.5. What are the advantages of using spreadsheets?

7.6. What are the disadvantages of using spreadsheets?

8. Formatting

8.1. Sorting

8.1.1. Multiple columns

8.1.2. Single column

8.1.3. Ascending

8.1.4. Descending

8.1.5. Filters Excel 2007

8.2. Conditional Formatting

8.2.1. Based on numbers

8.2.2. Based on text

8.2.3. Lesson ideas @simonhaughton Spreadsheet Quiz

8.3. Adding comments

8.4. Transposing columns to rows

8.5. hide, show columns, rows

8.6. Adjust height, width of rows, columns

8.7. Cells

8.7.1. Borders

8.7.2. Fill

8.7.3. Text Font Alignment Text wrap

8.7.4. Numbers Currency Decimal places Date etc

8.7.5. Merge cells

8.8. Layout for questionairre

8.9. Layout for Gantt Chart

8.10. Articles

8.10.1. Designshack How to make your spreadsheet less lame

9. Editing

9.1. Cut, copy

9.2. Paste, paste special

9.3. Find and replace

9.4. Insert, delete, columns, rows

9.5. Adding, deleting worksheets

9.6. Renaming worksheets

10. Publishing tools

10.1. Protecting cells

10.2. Freeze panes

10.3. Headers, footers

10.4. Macros

10.4.1. Assigning, editing buttons

10.5. Linking data between spreadsheets, worksheets

10.6. Printing

10.6.1. Pages

10.6.2. Gridlines

10.6.3. Orientation

10.6.4. Set print area

10.6.5. Adjust margins

10.6.6. Page break view, adjust

10.6.7. Repeat headings

10.7. Add hyperlinks

10.8. Form Controls

10.9. Audiences

10.9.1. Graphs vs Tables

11. Links to other software

11.1. Web Queries

11.1.1. Auto refresh

11.1.2. Real world examples

11.2. Mail merge

11.3. CSV vs xslx

11.4. Datalogging

11.4.1. Analogue vs digital sensors

11.4.2. Data from sensors Reliability of data?

11.5. Web query vs datalogging

11.5.1. Reliability of data?

11.5.2. What data to select?

11.6. Embedding spreadsheet / graph into ppt, doc

12. Creating graphs

12.1. Types of graphs

12.1.1. Line

12.1.2. Bar

12.1.3. Pie

12.2. Selecting data

12.2.1. Adjacent cells

12.2.2. Non-adjacent cells

12.3. Formatting

12.3.1. Titles

12.3.2. Axis

12.3.3. Scale

12.3.4. Series

12.3.5. Legend

12.3.6. Text alignment

12.4. Analysing real world examples

12.5. Create charts online

12.5.1. Chartle

12.6. 2graph

12.6.1. Lesson ideas @simonhaughton Graph / analyse TV ratings

12.7. Lesson ideas

12.7.1. NGfL Cymru Interactive finding answers from graphs

13. Alternatives to Excel

13.1. Open Office

13.2. Adobe Acrobat Suite

13.3. Google Docs

13.3.1. Google Forms

13.4. Pictograms

14. Lesson ideas

14.1. @simonhaughton

14.1.1. Intro to Spreadsheets

14.1.2. Theme Park Project

14.2. @chrisleach78

14.2.1. Toyshop spreadsheet

14.2.2. Wizard's Apprentice

14.2.3. 6 Nations Dream Team

14.3. data resources

14.3.1. calories


14.4.1. Who wants to be a millionaire?

14.5. @MrAColley

14.5.1. Spreadsheet Quiz Scheme (7 Lessons)