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1. The articles: are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Ex: the boy or a boy.

2. The study of tyhe internal structure of words, and of the rules which words are formed.

3. Content Words: are sometimes called the open class words, because we can and regularly do add new words to these classes.

3.1. Nouns: a word that names people, things, animals and ideas. Ex: cat

3.2. Verbs: they describe an action or state being. Ex: enjoy

3.3. Adjectives: are words that modify a noun or a pronoun . Ex: heavy

3.4. Adverbs: they describe verbs, adjectives or another verb. Ex: carefully

4. Function Words: called closed class words, they specify grammatical relations and have little or no semantic content.

4.1. Conjuction: is a word that connects words or groups of words. Ex: and

4.2. preposition: is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. Ex: on

4.3. Pronouns: words that replace nouns. Ex: it

4.4. Determiners:are words placed in front of a noun to make it clear what the noun refers to. Ex: these

4.5. Auxiliary Verbs: are used together with a main verb to show the verb’s tense or to form a negative or question. Ex: have

5. Inflectional morpheme:are words that are created from a lexeme, or a basic unit of meaning in a language, without creating a new category in one's lexicon. Ex: books," which is created from the word "book"

5.1. Suffix ( do not change word class). Ex: girl( as singular) and girls (as plural) are in the same word class, that is NOUN

6. Those which follow free morphemes(words) are called suffixes. Ex: -ing (slepping)

7. Open class(content words): nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverbs.

8. Free morpheme: word that can stand on its own.

8.1. Closed class(function words): conjuctions,prepositions,articles,pronouns,determiners, auxiliary verbs.

9. Morphemes: a morpheme is the smallest part of speech having meaning and function.

9.1. Bound morphemes:mostly refer to morphemes that can occur as affixes. It depends from other morpheme to complete meaning.

9.1.1. Affix: is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form. And there are divide in two categories: prefixes and suffixes. The affixes which precede free morphemes(words) are called prefixes. Ex: bi- (bipolar)

9.2. Derivational morphemes: they derive new words. Change the meaning of the root word.

9.2.1. Prefix (do not akways involve a change of word class). Ex: visible(adjective) invisible(adjective)

9.2.2. Suffix ( involve a change of word class). Ex: happy(adjective) happiness(noun)