Car App Database

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Car App Database by Mind Map: Car App Database

1. engine

1.1. id

1.2. value

2. drive_train

2.1. id

2.2. value

3. transmission

3.1. id

3.2. value

4. image

4.1. id

4.2. car

4.3. path

5. model

5.1. id

5.2. value

5.3. make

6. make

6.1. id

6.2. value

7. option

7.1. id

7.2. label

7.3. value

7.4. category

7.5. type

8. cars_options

8.1. car

8.2. option

9. option_category

9.1. id

9.2. value

9.2.1. e.g. Comfort and Convenience Engine Interior Exterior

10. option_label

10.1. id

10.2. value

10.2.1. e.g. Brakes Air Conditioning Horsepower

11. option_type

11.1. id

11.2. value

11.2.1. i.e. Feature Specification Option

12. car

12.1. id

12.2. model

12.3. model

12.4. trim

12.5. year

12.6. title

12.7. vin

12.8. stock_number

12.9. exterior_color

12.10. interior_color

12.11. doors

12.12. body_style

12.13. price

12.14. sale_price

12.15. kilometers

12.16. transmission

12.17. drive_train

12.18. engine

12.19. fuel_type

12.20. condition

12.21. description

12.22. certified

12.23. url

12.24. options

12.25. source

13. color

13.1. id

13.2. value

14. body_style

14.1. id

14.2. value

15. fuel_types

15.1. id

15.2. value

16. conditions

16.1. id

16.2. value

17. dealer_site

17.1. id

17.2. name

17.3. url

17.4. phone

17.5. address

17.6. city

17.7. last_scraped

18. city

18.1. id

18.2. value

18.3. province

18.4. country

19. province

19.1. id

19.2. value

20. country

20.1. id

20.2. value