Sister splashed water on me

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Sister splashed water on me by Mind Map: Sister splashed water on me

1. Devopment

1.1. I thought that it was raining and rainwater was splashing on me as i did not close the window.

1.2. I woke up and I looked out of the window. It was sunny so I knew that my little sister did it because she was the only one at home besides me

2. Why did your little sister splashed water on you?

2.1. She bugged me all morning to play with her but I refused because I needed to do my homework.

2.2. In the Afternoon, I decided to take a nap because I was feeling sleepy. She probably wanted to wake me up so that she could play with me because I already completed my homework

3. Conclution

3.1. I said that if I shouted that if she does not come out of hiding than I would tell mom about her splashing cold water on my face while i was sleeping

3.2. My little sister came out of hiding and begged me not to tell mom

4. Resolution

4.1. I told her I would not tell mom about the incident if she promised me not to do that again

4.2. She agreed ,said that she felt guilty about it and apologized to me.

5. Climax (Most exciting part)

5.1. I thought of getting revenge by playing the 'coca cola' trick on her but my teacher once taught us to contain our anger and not to retaliate.

5.2. I walked out of the room and saw no one. Then I walked into the bathroom and got a towel to dry myself before heading out to the living room to sit on the sofa to rest

6. New node