Team Activity #3

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Team Activity #3 af Mind Map: Team Activity #3

1. CP

1.1. Significant

1.2. Type

1.3. Affect her

2. Hearing

2.1. What can she hear?

2.2. Does she have hearing aids?

3. Behavior

3.1. What causes her to become frustrated?

3.2. How often does she have temper tantrums

3.3. What strategies can we teach her

3.3.1. Safe area

4. Communication

4.1. Can she verbal communicate

4.2. Technology does she have?

4.2.1. Does she have an AAC

4.3. Intervete

5. Other

5.1. IEP use

5.2. Family involvment

5.3. Culture

5.4. Strategies